Make a donation.
Children of all ages up and down the country live below the poverty line, the one sanctuary they have is there school, but sometimes even in school these children cannot escape the poverty they find themselves in. At Uniform Club we have put together a project to support schools in providing Free uniform to families that need help to make the difference to a child’s life.
Your donation is awarded to the school of your choice and we match pound for pound every penny that is donated to make sure the selected school’s receive the most amount.
Once you have donated your chosen school will receive an email confirmation, donations are collected and allocated in April of every year to the receiving schools. The selected schools can only use the money to buy Uniform for students that they have identified as the most needy.
Can I choose what school receives my donation?
You can only donate to the schools registered in our program. If the school you would like to receive a donation is not listed please email our team with the school details and we will add them.
Can I see how much money my chosen school has raised in donations?
Yes. You would need to contact the school Principal to find out a running total, we publish a yearly total once all donations are paid out..
How I will I know if my school has received my donation?
Once a donation is received, our automated system will email the school. At the end of each month the school Principal or allocated member will receive an update of total donations.
Can I share this link with other people?
Yes. We would also encourage you to share on social media and WhatsApp groups. Remember all donations are matched by us pound for pound, the more money raised for the school the more Free uniform that is distributed.
If I change my mind, can I get a refund?
Yes. You have a 3 month period from your donation date to ask for a refund. However if your donation is allocated to the school and they have used the money to purchase uniform we are unable to make a refund.
How do I complain, if I feel the school has not distributed the funds fairly?
Initially you should contact the school Principal, if however you are unsatisfied, please email our team with the details and we will start an investigation.